andrewshears: West-SIIIIIIIIDE!!!!! [market]
andrewshears: Brewery.
andrewshears: The dungeon, I mean the pub downstairs.
andrewshears: Fresh Beer Lives Here!
andrewshears: Give me a sign
andrewshears: Lorelei Dunkel Weizen on the left, Wright Pils on the right
andrewshears: Very fresh glass of Edmund Fitzgerald Porter.
andrewshears: A very full main bar.
andrewshears: Delirium Nocturum
andrewshears: Amy drinks (and LIKES) my beer!
andrewshears: Pommes Frittes!
andrewshears: McNulty's Bier Markt
andrewshears: Ruh-roh...
andrewshears: [Dramatic Chipmunk]
andrewshears: McNulty's. Worth a stop!
andrewshears: Ohio City
andrewshears: Waiting....
andrewshears: Victory Whirlwind Wit Bier
andrewshears: Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale
andrewshears: Mmmmm.
andrewshears: Prettier in person
andrewshears: Lights
andrewshears: "I'll just drink my water!!!"
andrewshears: Shitty pano of Market Square
andrewshears: Ithaca Apricot Wheat
andrewshears: ABC Tavern
andrewshears: Bowling arcade game
andrewshears: Looking out to the street from GLBC