serff: Maligne Canyon Falls 1.3 Seconds
serff: Falls in Maligne Canyon
serff: Dropping down the canyon
serff: Top of the Canyon
serff: Fire road up Bald Hills
serff: Winding to the summit
serff: Steep Climb Up
serff: Look How Far We've Come
serff: Ian at the top
serff: Above Timberline
serff: The other side of the ridge
serff: Tiny Flowers trive where trees don't
serff: Water Droplets
serff: Medicine Lake Flowers
serff: Flowers everywhere!
serff: Medicine Lake 1
serff: Medicine Lake
serff: The Clouds Roll In
serff: Sixth Bridge in Maligne Canyon
serff: Ian on Sixth Bridge
serff: Maligne Lake from the Bald Hills