Aschae: The Landing
Aschae: Pre-flight
Aschae: Paragliding Tandem Flight
Aschae: Seaside OR
Aschae: Ginger waiting
Aschae: Getting Ready
Aschae: In flight
Aschae: Ginger and Aunt TT
Aschae: Tandem Paragliding
Aschae: Take-off 1
Aschae: Take-off 2
Aschae: Take-off 3
Aschae: Take-off 4
Aschae: Take-off 5
Aschae: Takeoff
Aschae: Paragliding in Seaside, OR
Aschae: Face plant landing
Aschae: Helmet Check
Aschae: Coming in For a Landing
Aschae: Landing
Aschae: Landing w/ Jim and Ginger
Aschae: Right after Landing
Aschae: Ginger and TT post flight
Aschae: Toby wishing her luck
Aschae: Dulcy's Wild Ride