AndrewPiccone: She didn't go to the Cape that weekend.
AndrewPiccone: Back then it wasn't a big deal.
AndrewPiccone: It was raining.
AndrewPiccone: The words bled off the page.
AndrewPiccone: A deal was a deal.
AndrewPiccone: More than that, the windows were still broken.
AndrewPiccone: The Nail Salon was closed.
AndrewPiccone: Don't take the bridge if you're going to Midtown.
AndrewPiccone: 30 years of awkward pauses.
AndrewPiccone: It was a Jazz Singer, from the Gilded Age.
AndrewPiccone: Why would I be mad?
AndrewPiccone: Possibly the most important player in the league.
AndrewPiccone: Gas Station romance.
AndrewPiccone: Until further notice was as specific as they'd get.