Andrew Myatt Photo: folllow the line
Andrew Myatt Photo: shrimp anyone
Andrew Myatt Photo: wedding rehersal, collin in the bck/grd
Andrew Myatt Photo: glasses of thought, with a child in the bck/grd
Andrew Myatt Photo: silver shine
Andrew Myatt Photo: canon lens
Andrew Myatt Photo: honolulu airport
Andrew Myatt Photo: smoke stack
Andrew Myatt Photo: Grandpa and Great Grandpa
Andrew Myatt Photo: Stepping stones
Andrew Myatt Photo: Wish You Were Here
Andrew Myatt Photo: Flowery Lamp
Andrew Myatt Photo: starbucks at 6:30
Andrew Myatt Photo: come have a seat
Andrew Myatt Photo: do you believe
Andrew Myatt Photo: the wall of starbucks
Andrew Myatt Photo: 3 a.m. self portrait
Andrew Myatt Photo: how i see my hallway!
Andrew Myatt Photo: wondering what is inside the cabinet?
Andrew Myatt Photo: rattle snake skin
Andrew Myatt Photo: flick my bic