andrewmac666: mat & guitar
andrewmac666: mat, guitar & lens flare
andrewmac666: serious mat
andrewmac666: sepia mat & smoke
andrewmac666: mat & smokin' frets
andrewmac666: red simon
andrewmac666: simon and smoke
andrewmac666: exteme close-up: simon
andrewmac666: happy simon
andrewmac666: vaguely close-up: si again
andrewmac666: long exposure
andrewmac666: si & mat
andrewmac666: candlelit
andrewmac666: what would neil young do?
andrewmac666: distracted
andrewmac666: focussed
andrewmac666: guitars, candles & bottles
andrewmac666: simon and mat
andrewmac666: ground
andrewmac666: balancing
andrewmac666: the world mourns
andrewmac666: don't try this at home
andrewmac666: errr....
andrewmac666: silence is golden