Andrew is taken: Last moments in hospital
Andrew is taken: Coming home!
Andrew is taken: Recognition?
Andrew is taken: Ouma visits
Andrew is taken: Kwaito pose
Andrew is taken: First expedition
Andrew is taken: Hello daddy!
Andrew is taken: Sleeping again
Andrew is taken: Profile shot for the record
Andrew is taken: He loves having his head dried
Andrew is taken: All clean and dry
Andrew is taken: Katie's birthday party!
Andrew is taken: Sprodge, grandpa. Grandpa, sprodge.
Andrew is taken: Costa coffees!
Andrew is taken: My mom and son In a pub on my birthday. Nice.
Andrew is taken: Hello Auntie Fiona!
Andrew is taken: Just home
Andrew is taken: Napping with granny
Andrew is taken: Proper use of the cushion!
Andrew is taken: Arran Richard
Andrew is taken: He'll get used to being my muse
Andrew is taken: Having a bath with granny
Andrew is taken: Practising a smile