Andrew Fritz: The Chasm - Water and Rock Study
Andrew Fritz: The Chasm - Water and Rock Study
Andrew Fritz: Cape Foul Wind
Andrew Fritz: DSC_3875
Andrew Fritz: Lake Marian Trail
Andrew Fritz: Clouds and Still Water
Andrew Fritz: Still Waters on Rookery Branch
Andrew Fritz: Sunset at Tarpon Bay
Andrew Fritz: Sunset at Tarpon Bay
Andrew Fritz: Sunrise at Tarpon Bay
Andrew Fritz: Sunset in the Ripples
Andrew Fritz: Research Boats Returning to the Mother Ship
Andrew Fritz: Below Dark Hollow Falls
Andrew Fritz: Brazos Bend HDR Sunset
Andrew Fritz: Sunset and the Lilly Pads
Andrew Fritz: Sunset and the Lilly Pads
Andrew Fritz: Brazos Bend Sunset
Andrew Fritz: Diablo Falls
Andrew Fritz: The Chasm - Water and Rock Study
Andrew Fritz: The Chasm - Water and Rock Study
Andrew Fritz: Stream in Karamea
Andrew Fritz: Water Fall Fatigue
Andrew Fritz: Air Fall
Andrew Fritz: Sterrling Falls
Andrew Fritz: Bounce - Daily Shoot #479
Andrew Fritz: Stream - Daily Shoot #479
Andrew Fritz: Surface Tension - Daily Shoot #479
Andrew Fritz: Torrent
Andrew Fritz: Torrent - Daily Shoot #510
Andrew Fritz: Angry Torrent