Andrew Currie:
Also a highlight of my trip...
Andrew Currie:
OHAI #Bermuda... cc @westjet #biff2011
Andrew Currie:
Andrew Currie:
Hey BlackBerry Maps, ever hear of an island nation called Bermuda? They buy lots of your phones here...
Andrew Currie:
Did you know, the lawn jockeys in Bermuda are white? #notreally
Andrew Currie:
Bermudian Breakfast!
Andrew Currie:
Breakfast with a view -- of Bermuda's Hamilton Harbour, that is...
Andrew Currie:
Good advice.
Andrew Currie:
This is my cycle. There are many like it but this one's mine...
Andrew Currie:
My Bermuda Diner Dinner... Say *that* five times fast.
Andrew Currie:
Cloudy day in paradise.
Andrew Currie:
The current wallpaper on my temporary #BlackBerry...
Andrew Currie:
Houston, we have pancakes...
Andrew Currie:
What could they want? Food? Must be be food... #notadogperson
Andrew Currie:
Well, at least I don't have to eat it...
Andrew Currie:
@jp_li Time to get up, pack and fly down to #Bermuda to meet me already!
Andrew Currie:
So I hear it's snowing in Toronto today...
Andrew Currie:
The cost of cantaloupes in #Bermuda...
Andrew Currie:
Bermudian gingerbread. #shitsdabombyo
Andrew Currie:
"Extra special sauce" = soy sauce + mayonnaise. Interesting... #bermuda #wtf
Andrew Currie:
Fucking tourists...
Andrew Currie:
If you can guess what these are I'll see if I can pooch you one...
Andrew Currie:
Pumpkin pancakes, y'all...
Andrew Currie:
I think my seat-mate is hitting on me...