ahbrooks: that's where the speed comes from
ahbrooks: medford
ahbrooks: P1010204.JPG
ahbrooks: headed north
ahbrooks: P1010207.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010209.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010214.JPG
ahbrooks: are you serious?!
ahbrooks: doing it
ahbrooks: P1010221.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010237.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010238.JPG
ahbrooks: some bikes we found on the side of the road
ahbrooks: curtis and sacha
ahbrooks: P1010245.JPG
ahbrooks: boone
ahbrooks: rehydrating
ahbrooks: P1010255.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010256.JPG
ahbrooks: down to business
ahbrooks: P1010260.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010263.JPG
ahbrooks: P1010267.JPG
ahbrooks: having a stretch
ahbrooks: think globally, mace locally
ahbrooks: count 'em.
ahbrooks: this burrito weighed a metric ton.
ahbrooks: scene of the crime