andrew b conrad: "Chris" sporting his Jays shirt. Didn't seem like a very good spot for donations but he said he usually does pretty well there.
andrew b conrad: Jason - "Keep Your Coins, I Want Change"
andrew b conrad: If you can play the didgeridoo, I'll give you a buck or two every time
andrew b conrad: Saying "thank you" while playing a didgeridoo is real skill
andrew b conrad: Why Lie?
andrew b conrad: Broke perhaps, but not boring
andrew b conrad: Karma Points
andrew b conrad: Yellowknife Bound
andrew b conrad: Fishin' on Barrington Street
andrew b conrad: Tunes at Public Gardens
andrew b conrad: Time for change
andrew b conrad: Will accept verbal abuse for change
andrew b conrad: What's on the backside of the sign?
andrew b conrad: Gardener?
andrew b conrad: Relaxing way to protest