Sara and Andrew: Mireille learning how to drink
Sara and Andrew: The amazing belly flop
Sara and Andrew: Mireille swimming with Dad
Sara and Andrew: Kinda liking the pool!
Sara and Andrew: Tal loving the stairs
Sara and Andrew: Fathers day family shot
Sara and Andrew: Quick snack before the hike
Sara and Andrew: Plum Island
Sara and Andrew: Observing the wildlife from the fire tower
Sara and Andrew: View from the fire tower
Sara and Andrew: Hey, a bird!
Sara and Andrew: The hike started off with lots of energy
Sara and Andrew: Wow, this hiking is a lot of work
Sara and Andrew: Hah, just kidding. This is awesome!
Sara and Andrew: Focus on me, leave out that nerdy guy over there.
Sara and Andrew: Talia insisted on being the leader
Sara and Andrew: She also chose her outfit. She insisted on wearing long sleeves.
Sara and Andrew: The trail was all boardwalk (we chose it for that reason)
Sara and Andrew: Talia in the woods.
Sara and Andrew: View from up high
Sara and Andrew: Oh, and there were other hikers too.
Sara and Andrew: The ocean!
Sara and Andrew: Family photo
Sara and Andrew: Another bird
Sara and Andrew: Painted turtle
Sara and Andrew: Are were there yet?