Sara and Andrew: Walking?
Sara and Andrew: Cuteness
Sara and Andrew: Who needs toys when you have waterbottles?
Sara and Andrew: Or contact solution bottles?
Sara and Andrew: Num num num
Sara and Andrew: Mo' nini!
Sara and Andrew: You want to take pictures of me eating?
Sara and Andrew: Chewing...
Sara and Andrew: full mouth!
Sara and Andrew: At the bar!
Sara and Andrew: Trying to snuggle with lucas...
Sara and Andrew: Tennis balls
Sara and Andrew: Playing with the kids on the sideline
Sara and Andrew: New ducky!
Sara and Andrew: It rolls
Sara and Andrew: Blond hair
Sara and Andrew: Operation attack mom's camera
Sara and Andrew: Ooh, a camera
Sara and Andrew: Let's walk over there!
Sara and Andrew: Big step!
Sara and Andrew: Playing with the duck
Sara and Andrew: Just playin...
Sara and Andrew: mom, enough already!
Sara and Andrew: Watchin TV with dana