Andrew Aliferis:
Cancer survivor Rachel Peck speaks at University of Maryland Speech
Andrew Aliferis:
Rachel Peck speaks at the University of Maryland Sept. 17th 2009
Andrew Aliferis:
Cancer survivor Rachel Peck welcomes the President on stage
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama
Andrew Aliferis:
University of Maryland Speech
Andrew Aliferis:
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama at the Podium - University of Maryland, September, 2009
Andrew Aliferis:
University of Maryland Speech
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama addressing the crowd at the Comcast Center on the importance of Health Insurance Reform
Andrew Aliferis:
Mr. President, everyone wants to take your picture.
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama addressing U of MD on September 17th, 2009
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama speaks for Stable and Secure Healthcare
Andrew Aliferis:
Presidential speech - lensbaby style
Andrew Aliferis:
President Obama at the University of MD September 17th, 2009
Andrew Aliferis:
Public Option Now!
Andrew Aliferis:
Ed Kimmel being interviewed at Obama Pro-health reform speech at U of MD.
Andrew Aliferis:
Ed Kimmel makes his giant signs
Andrew Aliferis:
Andrew Aliferis:
Canada's the Best