Andrew Aliferis:
Longwood IR
Andrew Aliferis:
US Capitol DC
Andrew Aliferis:
Old Swede Church IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Longwood Gardens IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Bow Bridge Lake Hernshead Central Park NYC
Andrew Aliferis:
HernsHead Lake from Cherry Hill Central Park NYC
Andrew Aliferis:
Literary Walk Central Park NYC
Andrew Aliferis:
Hunt Memorial Central Park 5th Ave NYC
Andrew Aliferis:
Flat Iron Building 5th at 23rd street NYC
Andrew Aliferis:
Bridge over the Devils Backbone
Andrew Aliferis:
Jefferson Memorial IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Assateague IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Gettysburg NY Monument Infrared
Andrew Aliferis:
View from the Valley of Death
Andrew Aliferis:
Sharpshooter's Home IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Farmstead IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Georgetown IR
Andrew Aliferis:
C & O Canal IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Fletcher Cove IR
Andrew Aliferis:
The road from Fort Loudoun
Andrew Aliferis:
RR Building IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Valley veiw IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Gettysburg Cyclorama IR Panorama
Andrew Aliferis:
Cylorama IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Old barn vintage, Infrared
Andrew Aliferis:
Enoch Brown Grave IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Abandoned RR Bridge IR
Andrew Aliferis:
1954 Ford Customline IR
Andrew Aliferis:
Blue Hole Park Bermuda in Infrared
Andrew Aliferis:
Meditation Corner IR