wertheim: Tsukuba --> Tokyo
wertheim: Tsukuba Express
wertheim: Science City
wertheim: Visiting Faculty Dormitory
wertheim: Cafeteria
wertheim: Koi Pond on Campus
wertheim: New Building
wertheim: Former ULIS
wertheim: Lovely in the rain
wertheim: 2 UH Students 1 UH Prof. and 2 Colleagues from UT
wertheim: Welcoming Night
wertheim: With Tsukuba Administration
wertheim: National Museum of Modern Art
wertheim: Mainichi
wertheim: 桃華楽堂
wertheim: Erika and Rachel
wertheim: Shimizu-mon
wertheim: East Garden
wertheim: Walking in the Rain
wertheim: My Favorite Part of the Palace
wertheim: From the Remains of the Old Castle
wertheim: Edo-Jo
wertheim: Crossing from the National Archives
wertheim: At the National Diet Library
wertheim: At the National Diet Library
wertheim: National Diet of Japan
wertheim: Preserving Japanese History
wertheim: Before Interleaving
wertheim: Interleaving