andrew d miller: welcome computer human interactive conference delegates
andrew d miller: travelodge (exterior)
andrew d miller: travelodge (interior)
andrew d miller: dancing in the rain
andrew d miller: busking lion
andrew d miller: main dish interdiction?
andrew d miller: conference center district
andrew d miller: construction?
andrew d miller: get your libations that way
andrew d miller: chinese projects?
andrew d miller: palais de justice
andrew d miller: this or that way?
andrew d miller: more dinnertime interdiction
andrew d miller: more than meets the eye
andrew d miller: elvish
andrew d miller: city block
andrew d miller: parking this way
andrew d miller: internationally recognized color schemes be damned!
andrew d miller: be my chum
andrew d miller: arrows!
andrew d miller: hitchiking no parking signs
andrew d miller: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
andrew d miller: construction
andrew d miller: construction on rue saint denis
andrew d miller: sly mcdonald's
andrew d miller: shovel
andrew d miller: drip drop