andrew_besford: Welcome home
andrew_besford: Ciclovía
andrew_besford: Quito - Volcano
andrew_besford: Quito - Historic Centre
andrew_besford: Traditional dress
andrew_besford: Quito - Skyline
andrew_besford: "GHL Comfort Hotel" Cali Airport
andrew_besford: Corn snacks for the journey
andrew_besford: Pereira Cathedral
andrew_besford: Bolívar Desnudo
andrew_besford: Vegetable wholesaler
andrew_besford: Guayaba (green apple guava)
andrew_besford: Coffee country
andrew_besford: Ripening coffee
andrew_besford: Coffee plantation
andrew_besford: Roasting
andrew_besford: Just roasted
andrew_besford: School bus
andrew_besford: Road sign
andrew_besford: Playing in the snow
andrew_besford: Uphill struggle
andrew_besford: Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados
andrew_besford: 5125m above sea level
andrew_besford: Outside Manizales
andrew_besford: Torre al Cielo, Manizales
andrew_besford: Corner shop
andrew_besford: Evening rush hour