Thierry Cariou: Fromentine Vendée France (2015)
brad.mcmurray: DSCF6006
greg.rusk: Carrot peel weave
john.king: Tickle Cove Ice
Atlanta Celebrates Photography: Emmet Gowin & Richard Benson at Jackson Fine Art
john.king: Lethbridge, Newfoundland
Ben Hinceman: D i n e r
Refidnas: Mix and Match
Jim Hart (*): Masan, South Korea
john.king: Keels, Newfoundland
Dominic Bugatto: Endangered Species 63
john.king: Keels, Newfoundland
john.king: Petley
TooLoose-LeTrek: Cornered and Yellow
Dominic Bugatto: Oscar Party
Bart van Damme: Scheveningen
ADMurr: Glenoak
melkore314: img878
john.king: Lethbridge
Julian Ortiz photography: dropped call