Andre Hsiao: 巴黎(火車)東站
Andre Hsiao: February morning, Notre Dame
Andre Hsiao: 塞納河畔
Andre Hsiao: 艾菲爾鐵塔上
Andre Hsiao: Pierre Hermé
Andre Hsiao: 雙叟咖啡館,巴黎
Andre Hsiao: 花神咖啡館
Andre Hsiao: Champs Elysées Avenue
Andre Hsiao: on the way to Louvre
Andre Hsiao: 羅浮宮/拿破崙廳
Andre Hsiao: 羅浮宮
Andre Hsiao: Ispahan, Ladurée
Andre Hsiao: 凡爾賽宮/鏡廳
Andre Hsiao: Night, Arc de Triumphe
Andre Hsiao: Night Scenes, Arc de Triumphe
Andre Hsiao: Mont-Saint-Michel聖米歇爾山
Andre Hsiao: Orsay奧塞美術館
Andre Hsiao: 雙磨坊咖啡(Cafe des Deux Moulins)
Andre Hsiao: Montmartre 蒙馬特街景
Andre Hsiao: 聖心堂 Basilique du Sacré-Cœur
Andre Hsiao: Angkor
Andre Hsiao: Angkor
Andre Hsiao: Villa 發呆亭
Andre Hsiao: Villa, morning
Andre Hsiao: KUTA商圈 - 烤乳豬
Andre Hsiao: 沙灘
Andre Hsiao: Morning
Andre Hsiao: Cortona
Andre Hsiao: Pisa S.Rossore Station
Andre Hsiao: 羅馬競技場