[andreea]: those damn fireworks...
[andreea]: Mmm... comfy.
[andreea]: those pesky pigeons...
[andreea]: remembering the summer...
[andreea]: the architect at work
[andreea]: a penny for your thoughts...
[andreea]: Um...
[andreea]: a gloomy winter afternoon
[andreea]: it's getting dark and I'm still at work...
[andreea]: incandescence
[andreea]: totally absorbed... :-)
[andreea]: The Big Bang?
[andreea]: KNOT the best photo :-D ... but I needed something for the 2009YIP project!
[andreea]: kiss me goodnight!
[andreea]: sleet
[andreea]: For Tre's mum (you wanted me to show you something, remember? :-)
[andreea]: Thanks for lunch!
[andreea]: can you tell their personalities? :-)
[andreea]: origami
[andreea]: if this isn't love, I don't know what it is...
[andreea]: The day shift :-)
[andreea]: less is more
[andreea]: pretty much self-explanatory... :-D
[andreea]: and just when I thought it was bad enough...
[andreea]: The Year of the Ox! :-)
[andreea]: well equipped for the winter :-)
[andreea]: some fresh green for all of you who hate winter :-)
[andreea]: What do you mean you can't use it chewed?
[andreea]: origami peacock