[andreea]: three pigeons can make a cat-shaped shadow :-D
[andreea]: can you sing this song? :-)
[andreea]: little bird
[andreea]: preparing to go to bed :-)
[andreea]: preparing to go to bed :-)
[andreea]: preparing to go to bed :-)
[andreea]: crow
[andreea]: neighbor
[andreea]: crane in the pond behind my building
[andreea]: same crane but now up in a tree
[andreea]: crane
[andreea]: crane up in a tree
[andreea]: noisy little one :-)
[andreea]: waiting for spring
[andreea]: just a bird
[andreea]: blurred, but I like it
[andreea]: ducks
[andreea]: blue peacock
[andreea]: Oh, so you must be daddy!
[andreea]: Don't worry, sweetie, I won't tell Pitsi about you!
[andreea]: a short moment in-between shifts...
[andreea]: Well, Miss Andreea, your taste in house decoration is somewhat questionable, but I do appreciate the effort. Mother Pigeon.
[andreea]: Oh, hi, are you Pitsi's mom?
[andreea]: maybe this time....
[andreea]: daddy pigeon - the day shift