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Pete Gets Out (Legally) by andrea z
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andrea z
Out! First, the harness.
andrea z
Out! The Harness is On.
andrea z
Out! Attaching the Lead
andrea z
Harness and Boing
andrea z
Out! Newton Watching
andrea z
Out! Newton's consolation prize
andrea z
Out! What a Tangled Web Pete Weaves
andrea z
Pete: Tangled
andrea z
Out! The Sidewalk
andrea z
Out! The Mighty Lion of the High Traffic Bluegrass Sun/Shade Mix Lurks Waiting For His Prey
andrea z
Out! Baby carriages
andrea z
Out! Neighbors
andrea z
Out! Suspicious Schnauzer
andrea z
Pete and Student
andrea z
Pete and Pedestrian
andrea z
Pete v. High School Student
andrea z
Pete Loves Families
andrea z
Pete v. Pesce
andrea z
Pete v. Pesce
andrea z
Out! Glamour in the grass?
andrea z
Newton, Out!
andrea z
crabapple, 20050509
andrea z
One False Move And The Hosta Gets It!
andrea z
Out! Why Pete Can't Roam Free, part 1
andrea z
Out! Why Pete Can't Roam Free, part 2
andrea z
Technical Detail: sproingie thing
andrea z
Technical Detail: bungee cord used to give a lead a little more stretch
andrea z
Technical Note: lines for tying up cats
andrea z
Technical Note: New bungee thing
andrea z
Pete, The Amazing Bungee Cat
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