Andreas Werth:
In die Enge getrieben...
Andreas Werth:
Room with a view...
Andreas Werth:
Fleckenschwanzsalmler (Crenuchus spilurus)
Andreas Werth:
Cichlid Power
Andreas Werth:
This far and no further.
Andreas Werth:
Vierauge - Four-eyed Fish (Anableps anableps)
Andreas Werth:
Maned seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus)
Andreas Werth:
Pantodon buchholzi
Andreas Werth:
Bodengucker / Lock Down (Selene vomer)
Andreas Werth:
Orangestreifen-Drückerfisch (Balistapus undulatus)
Andreas Werth:
Orangestreifen-Drückerfisch (Balistapus undulatus)
Andreas Werth:
Arothron nigropunctatus ?
Andreas Werth:
Apistogramma hongsloi
Andreas Werth:
Andreas Werth:
Apistogramma hongsloi
Andreas Werth:
Andreas Werth:
Betta fusca
Andreas Werth:
Burma-Goldringelgrundel (Brachygobius xanthomelas ?)
Andreas Werth:
Hypoptopoma sp.
Andreas Werth:
Corydoras sterbai Trio
Andreas Werth:
Bumblebee Goby
Andreas Werth:
German Blue Ram with fry
Andreas Werth:
Plaice Portrait
Andreas Werth:
Blackline penguinfish
Andreas Werth:
Corydoras sterbai - Head to head
Andreas Werth:
Pterois volitans
Andreas Werth:
Pterois volitans
Andreas Werth:
Andreas Werth:
Yellow boxfish (juvenile)
Andreas Werth:
Yellow boxfish