A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - The Uglyness Setup
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - The Uglyness 3
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - The Uglyness 2
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - The Uglyness 1
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Tiny Leaf F4 (Handheld)
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Stone F4 (Handheld)
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Painted Wood and Pollen F4
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Dead Leaf F5.6
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Feather test F5.6
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Feather test F4
A.Sundell: Pentax Q Macro experiment - Feather test F8