Extra Super Cutie: the one who insists he was first in the line is the last to remember her name
Extra Super Cutie: hurled to the center of the earth again
Extra Super Cutie: it's all mixed up
helveticaneue: sentenced
evaxebra: Day 849
evaxebra: Day 892
evaxebra: Day 925
Extra Super Cutie: much brighter than all this static
evaxebra: Day 956
evaxebra: Day 960
Extra Super Cutie: your cheap words you bought on sale won't help you through tonight
Extra Super Cutie: that first breaking light becomes his enemy
Extra Super Cutie: beauty in the breakdown
Extra Super Cutie: another planet, forever holding you down
Extra Super Cutie: rather see you sooner
Regina J.: Hold me
Emely Nilsson: Starálfur / Staring Elf
Extra Super Cutie: baby, you know how to say goodbye
Extra Super Cutie: silent day
Extra Super Cutie: all anyone could ever want is a copilot
Extra Super Cutie: you said *nobody loves me* and i said *wanna bet?*
Extra Super Cutie: troubles come and troubles go
Heather Lucille: Lil Plumper
Extra Super Cutie: if time is all it takes
Yannic Meyer: steep look down / warped perspectives
Rafa from Brazil: One of my favourite things
Regina J.: Day 280: Surveillance
Extra Super Cutie: the eyes of a million girls