andreas_fery: The path is lit - explored 26-06-2022 (#19)
andreas_fery: Take Five - explored 23-01-2022 (#48)
andreas_fery: "Eye in the sky" Hovering Kestrel - Turmfalke im Rüttelflug - explored 08-02-2022
andreas_fery: Goldfinch - Stieglitz - explored 19-11-2021 (#58)
andreas_fery: Grey warden
andreas_fery: The colony
andreas_fery: Ikarus - explored 03-11-2021
andreas_fery: Into the light - explored 13-05-2022 (#41)
andreas_fery: "Curious" Long Tailed Tit - Nordische Schwanzmeise (Aegithalos caudatus caudatus) - explored 22-04-2022
andreas_fery: Great Egret - Silberreiher
andreas_fery: "Tête-à-Tête" - Courting Great Crested Grebes - Balzende Haubentaucher - explored 29-03-2022
andreas_fery: Kingfisher - Eisvogel - explored 05-12-2021
andreas_fery: Morning sun chasing fog - explored 18-10-2021
andreas_fery: In awe - explored 10-06-2022
andreas_fery: "The Dash" Goosander - Gänsesäger (Mergus merganser)
andreas_fery: Teal - Crickente - explored 13-03-2022
andreas_fery: Nature's Christmas Bowls - explored 10-12-2020
andreas_fery: Bumblebee - Hummel - explore takeover "creative macro" 27-05-2021
andreas_fery: Morning has broken
andreas_fery: Gartenrotschwanz - explored 11-06-2021
andreas_fery: Scarce Emerald Damselfly - Glänzende Binsenjungfer (Lestes dryas)
andreas_fery: "Defiant" Wren - Zaunkönig - explored 21-12-2021
andreas_fery: Black stork - Schwarzstorch (Ciconia nigra) - explored 27-06-2021
andreas_fery: Marbled White - Schachbrett (Melanargia galathea) - explored 13-07-2021
andreas_fery: Gnomes village 2 - explored 1-11-2020
andreas_fery: Swallowtail - Schwalbenschwanz (Papilio machaon) - explored 14-08-2021
andreas_fery: Blue heron against the morning sun - explored 02-10-2021
andreas_fery: Lindenhof Bayreuth
andreas_fery: Migrating Cormorants
andreas_fery: Willow warbler - Fitis (Phylloscopus trochilus) - explored 23-05-2021