andreas_fery: Scratching the mirror plane - explored 9.6.2023 and 25-01-2024 (YBS23 takeover)
andreas_fery: The path is lit - explored 26-06-2022 (#19)
andreas_fery: Into the light - explored 13-05-2022 (#41)
andreas_fery: Goldfinch - Stieglitz - explored 19-11-2021 (#58)
andreas_fery: Eye in the skye
andreas_fery: Blue hour Garstadter Seen
andreas_fery: Take Five - explored 23-01-2022 (#48)
andreas_fery: "Curious" Long Tailed Tit - Nordische Schwanzmeise (Aegithalos caudatus caudatus) - explored 22-04-2022
andreas_fery: The colony
andreas_fery: Grey warden
andreas_fery: Bumblebee heaven
andreas_fery: Goosander - Gänsesäger
andreas_fery: Ikarus - explored 03-11-2021
andreas_fery: Nature's Christmas Bowls - explored 10-12-2020
andreas_fery: Bumblebee - Hummel - explore takeover "creative macro" 27-05-2021
andreas_fery: Barn swallow - Rauchschwalbe (Hirundo rustica)
andreas_fery: Little ringed plover - Flussregenpfeifer (Charadrius dubius) - explore takeover "Animals"
andreas_fery: "Tête-à-Tête" - Courting Great Crested Grebes - Balzende Haubentaucher - explored 29-03-2022
andreas_fery: Weg zur Ruine Hollenberg
andreas_fery: "Messenger of spring" Bluethroat - Blaukehlchen (Luscinia svecica) - explored 16-04-2023 #11
andreas_fery: In awe - explored 10-06-2022
andreas_fery: "The Dash" Goosander - Gänsesäger (Mergus merganser)
andreas_fery: Middle Spotted Woodpecker - Mittelspecht (Leiopicus medius)
andreas_fery: "Klapperstorch" White Stork - Weißstorch (Ciconia ciconia)
andreas_fery: Red Kite - Rotmilan (Milvus milvus)
andreas_fery: "Fly with me" Greylag goose - Graugans (Anser anser)
andreas_fery: Red Crossbill - Fichtenkreuzschnabel (Loxia curvirostra) - explored 10-01-2023 (#27)
andreas_fery: "The early bird ..." Fieldfare - Wacholderdrossel (Turdus pilari)
andreas_fery: Tree sparrow - Feldsperling - explored 11-10-2022 #21
andreas_fery: Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth - Hummelschwärmer (Hemaris fuciformis) - explored 12.07.2022 (#18)