andreas_fery: House Martin young - Mehlschwalbenjunges - Delichon urbicum
andreas_fery: Alpine Cough - Alpendohle (Pyrrhocorax graculus)
andreas_fery: Goldfinch - Stieglitz - Carduelis carduelis
andreas_fery: Goldfinch - Stieglitz - Carduelis carduelis
andreas_fery: Common Redstart - Gartenrotschwanz - Phoenicurus phoenicurus
andreas_fery: Chaffinch - Buchfink (Fringilla coelebs)
andreas_fery: Stork - Storch
andreas_fery: Storks - Störche
andreas_fery: Great spotted Woodpecker (female) with young - Buntspecht-Weibchen mit Jungtier - Dendrocopos major
andreas_fery: Great spotted Woodpecker (male) with young - Buntspecht-Männchen mit Jungtier - Dendrocopos major
andreas_fery: Great spotted Woodpecker (male) with young - Buntspecht-Männchen mit Jungtier - Dendrocopos major
andreas_fery: Red-backed Shrike - Neuntöter (Lanius collurio)
andreas_fery: Common Buzzard - Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
andreas_fery: Common Buzzard - Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
andreas_fery: Common Buzzard - Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
andreas_fery: Common Buzzard - Mäusebussard (Buteo buteo)
andreas_fery: Green Woodpecker - Grünspecht - Picus viridis
andreas_fery: singing robin - singendes Rotkehlchen (Erithacus rubecula)
andreas_fery: sulphur-crested cockatoo - Gelbhaubenkakadu (Cacatua galerita)
andreas_fery: Wedge Tailed Eagle, Keilschwanzadler, Aquila audax
andreas_fery: Great Egret - Silberreiher - Ardea alba
andreas_fery: Chinese Pond Heron - Bacchusreiher - (Ardeola Bacchus)
andreas_fery: Cormorant - Kormoran
andreas_fery: common kingfisher - Eisvogel - (alcedo atthis)
andreas_fery: Kookaburra - Jägerliest - Dacelo novaeguineae
andreas_fery: Jay - Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius)
andreas_fery: Jay - Eichelhäher (Garrulus glandarius)
andreas_fery: Great Crested Grebe - Haubentaucher - Podiceps cristatus
andreas_fery: Great spotted Woodpecker (female) - Buntspecht-Weibchen - Dendrocopos major
andreas_fery: Kestrel in the morning sun- Turmfalke in der Morgensonne