Andrew Pullets: London - Pedestrians: waiting for smoke signals
Andrew Pullets: Waterloo - Amazing
Andrew Pullets: London Eye - Ice creams reserved lane
Andrew Pullets: London Eye - Bagpipe player on tour
Andrew Pullets: Parliament Square - Drawing clouds with "Big Pen"
Andrew Pullets: Parliament Square - Where to go
Andrew Pullets: Parliament Square - Saturated Views
Andrew Pullets: Buckingham Palace - In the best fairy tales only
Andrew Pullets: St. James Park - Tourists don't always keep right
Andrew Pullets: Buckingham Palace - Nulli Secundus
Andrew Pullets: St. James Park - There's more than squirrels
Andrew Pullets: Piccadilly Circus - Don't eat in Italian Restaurants..
Andrew Pullets: Bond Street - Geometries
Andrew Pullets: Oxford Circus - Get ready for the next battle