andrea.houseman: We are so excited about our first fridge magnet together....
andrea.houseman: Quality FaceTime with @petit_oiseau
andrea.houseman: IMG_1582
andrea.houseman: IMG_1579
andrea.houseman: IMG_1577
andrea.houseman: Thank you @petit_oiseau!!!!!!!
andrea.houseman: And THESE guys! :-D
andrea.houseman: Soooo box seats for the Foo Fighters in DC?! Amazing turn of events!!!!!
andrea.houseman: Got one more, damn.
andrea.houseman: Okay, may be one more. It still does not do this trip justice.
andrea.houseman: And with this I officially retire from trying to take pictures from moving trains.
andrea.houseman: Here we go. Load #1.
andrea.houseman: Almost four years and I still don't get this stuff...
andrea.houseman: Beads and a stash.
andrea.houseman: Happy Birthday Robyn!
andrea.houseman: "what do they do here?" - Chad
andrea.houseman: My name is Andrea, and I have a man fridge.
andrea.houseman: Belting & Supplies
andrea.houseman: Awe! Subaru's first snow!
andrea.houseman: Old school/new school...
andrea.houseman: This place is small!