andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Saint Jerome Writing by Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: David by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: David by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Venus Victrix by Antonio Canova, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: The Rape of Proserpina by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Truth Unveiled by Time by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Young Sick Bacchus by Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Deposition Baglioni by Raffaello, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Sacred and Profane Love by Tiziano, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: David with the Head of Goliath, by Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Madonna dei Palafrenieri by Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: John the Baptist by Caravaggio, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Apollo & Dafne by Gianlorenzo Bernini, Galleria Borghese (Rome)
andrea.guagni 6,9 Million: Ritratto di Balestriere by Lorenzo Lotto, Galleria Borghese (Rome)