andrea creates: new project
andrea creates: edward with bella hat
andrea creates: back of bella hat
andrea creates: Angel Face Beret
andrea creates: Angel Face Beret
andrea creates: Knitted hat
andrea creates: Hats for Fall
andrea creates: Blue Hat
andrea creates: padded footlets
andrea creates: new skein
andrea creates: color challenged
andrea creates: 2 balls of yarn
andrea creates: sock yarn, again
andrea creates: Flat knitting on circular needles
andrea creates: Argyle lace hat
andrea creates: Coco models hat
andrea creates: crocheted stack
andrea creates: 3 skeins
andrea creates: stacked yarn
andrea creates: crocheted hats
andrea creates: crocheted hats
andrea creates: crocheted hats
andrea creates: crocheted hats
andrea creates: hats from bottom
andrea creates: hats layered