Andrea Bosio Photographer: Alla luce della candela - To the light of the candle
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Una bottiglia 4 amici - A bottle 4 friends
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Cucina all'aperto - Cook to the open one
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Lettura prima di cena - Reading before dinner
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Confessioni - Confessions
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Jazz e notte - Jazz and night
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Star Wars - Princess
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Star Wars - Princess
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Siesta dopo pranzo - Siesta after lunch
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Pensieri e tranquillità - Thoughts and calm
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Cosa vedono i miei occhi!!! - What they see my eyes!!!
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Scappa scappa - Escape escape
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Bisogna andare di la???
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Malinconia - Melancholy.
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Signori si chiude - Ladies and Gentlemen, we close
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Documentario - Documentary
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Torre Eiffel - Paris
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Torre Eiffel - Paris
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Pilone Torre Eiffel
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Porto - Port San Benedetto del Tronto - Italy
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Rete da strascico - Net fishing
Andrea Bosio Photographer: Boe delle reti - Buoys of the nets