Andrew_S.: or maybe not.....
Andrew_S.: 'New' Sophina
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Tristen
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Tristen long
Andrew_S.: In store!!!
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Arizona close-up
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Arizona
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Arizona back
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Melrose
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Melrose long
Andrew_S.: Moxie Teenz Melrose back
Andrew_S.: Closer
Andrew_S.: Only 1 extension
Andrew_S.: Rapunzel back
Andrew_S.: Bright eyed
Andrew_S.: Get your hair did...
Andrew_S.: 2 to grow on
Andrew_S.: Beastly
Andrew_S.: New fashionistas pack
Andrew_S.: Fashion Fairytale Barbie & Teresa
Andrew_S.: Barbie loves nice dresses & hair stuff that ruins them?
Andrew_S.: Barbie loves overcomplication
Andrew_S.: Video doll (~I can handle you~)
Andrew_S.: Fashionistas shopping dolls
Andrew_S.: Rare find
Andrew_S.: Oh no wait, here are the others
Andrew_S.: ¡Cómo! No lo creo!
Andrew_S.: Thrice upon a halloween night
Andrew_S.: Through the woods/Into the room/Up the tower
Andrew_S.: Close to the red