Darlington girl: Stairway to....er....upstairs?
Darlington girl: Empty DUSTY shelves
Darlington girl: Ooh, the framings up!
Darlington girl: Side view of the framing
Darlington girl: Furnace #1 being boxed in...
Darlington girl: Frame work
Darlington girl: Insert fridge here
Darlington girl: Furnacing boxed.
Darlington girl: Fridge hole
Darlington girl: Drywalling....
Darlington girl: One of many light fixtures
Darlington girl: Staining the front of the bar
Darlington girl: Lighting
Darlington girl: The floor tiles
Darlington girl: Tiles down the front of the bar
Darlington girl: Front of the bar
Darlington girl: The bar wall
Darlington girl: Back of the bar
Darlington girl: Almost done!
Darlington girl: From a distance
Darlington girl: Cabinets awaiting sink and bar top
Darlington girl: Fridge in the wall
Darlington girl: Doors hiding the furnace
Darlington girl: Finished Bar