glriasilva55: Papa-ratos (Ardeola ralloides) - Squacco Heron
glriasilva55: Guarda-rios (Alcedo atthis), Kingfisher
Shadyezz: Breakfast, on the run ..
Devon Pete: Sheeps Tor, Dartmoor
Devon Pete: Sharptor, Bodmin Moor
Devon Pete: Summer's end
Henna K.: Pakri Cliff
tvamaste: Twos a crowd
rsvlock: Neoscona arabesca
piccolinaa: Autumn morning
Martin Bärtges: The bee on the top
Englepip: Orange and white
Paulo Kelly: A Cafe with a sky view - and the tour is over!
0soulis0: Soulis: String Instruments
leucadendron: Good Morning.
mtjboere: De kleine vuurvlinder (Lycaena phlaeas)
mtjboere: De kleine vuurvlinder (Lycaena phlaeas)
mtjboere: Langlijfje (Sphaerophoria spec.)
coyote1944: Painted Lady
coyote1944: Painted Lady
Jakobat: Little 15
Robert Bugeja: 90mm shot
Robert Bugeja: 90mm shot
Marius Cienki: Eastern Phoebe
Marius Cienki: Flycatchers
Marius Cienki: Sandhill Crane