Enna1965: 93_365 Can I reach?
Enna1965: 91_365 Stop smelling my tail!!
Enna1965: 75_365 Walkies time
Enna1965: 58_365 Not another photo
Enna1965: 15_365 The Tornado
Enna1965: I like my new home 029/100
Enna1965: Brook does mornings 27/100
Enna1965: YES... This is how you do Photo-Dog-Raphy!!
Enna1965: This isn't Photo-Dog-Raphy!! 09/100
Enna1965: Brooklyn's nose 3/100
Enna1965: Look at me!!!! 1/100
Enna1965: Lions don't like snow!!!
Enna1965: What's this funny white stuff?
Enna1965: I love camping
Enna1965: Don't even think about it!!
Enna1965: Brook's first swim with Gem
Enna1965: Brook's first icecream with Gem
Enna1965: Brook upside down
Enna1965: Just let me sleep
Enna1965: Stop photographing me
Enna1965: Project managing is hard work
Enna1965: 29 12 2010 Sleeping Dog
Enna1965: 29 12 2010 Why do they laugh at me sleeping?
Enna1965: I want to help
Enna1965: My tongue isn't that big...
Enna1965: I don't sit on the couch...
Enna1965: Brooklyn the Boxer
Enna1965: I'm watching the cat...
Enna1965: My mouth is big enough... Really!
Enna1965: It wasn't me!!!