andertho: The Art Class
andertho: Dual
andertho: Looking
andertho: Love (I Would Have Taken Their Picture If They Had Asked...)
andertho: Jump (Art!)
andertho: DCist Exposed (Later) #2
andertho: DCist Exposed #4
andertho: DCist Exposed #3
andertho: Portrait of the Artist
andertho: He's Watching You
andertho: Ben, Lady
andertho: Seven
andertho: Museum, Same Scene, Three Different Treatments (One)
andertho: Neon 50
andertho: Studying Lincoln
andertho: Contemplative
andertho: Into the Black Box
andertho: Colorful Spiral Art & Three Museumgoers
andertho: The Art Lesson
andertho: Zobop #2, With My Feet Included
andertho: At the Hirshhorn #2
andertho: Teddy #3
andertho: Ceiling
andertho: Statues
andertho: Artist in the Park
andertho: Gallery
andertho: Orange
andertho: Art is in the Eye of the Beholder
andertho: Gallery #44