Gavin Anderson: Red Blue Green White
Gavin Anderson: Red Blue Green White
Gavin Anderson: Broadbeans
Gavin Anderson: Planting out the front Pumpkin and Sunflower patch
Gavin Anderson: Planting out the front Pumpkin and Sunflower patch
Gavin Anderson: Planting out the front Pumpkin and Sunflower patch
Gavin Anderson: Potatoes, Mulberry tree and more
Gavin Anderson: Potatoes, Mulberry tree and more
Gavin Anderson: Octavia's fig tree has survived
Gavin Anderson: Spinach and potatoes
Gavin Anderson: Our three new chooks
Gavin Anderson: Trying out more shade
Gavin Anderson: Self watering pot
Gavin Anderson: Blossoms on our espalier trees