kateandersok: Most of the doors on Canyon Road are blue.
kateandersok: I never thought of blue as the color of a door.
kateandersok: But when you see it, it makes sense.
kateandersok: Some are barely blue anymore.
kateandersok: Their blue has almost gone.
kateandersok: Others are bright--like insects in the light.
kateandersok: Still others are the color of the ocean...
kateandersok: ...or the sky.
kateandersok: But not *all* of the doors on Canyon Road are blue.
kateandersok: Some are brown...
kateandersok: ...or red...
kateandersok: ...or white.
kateandersok: But most are a color that is unmistakable.
kateandersok: Like a black pebble on a bright white beach...
kateandersok: Of course, that's exactly the point...