andens: DSC02630
andens: DSC02648
andens: DSC02416
andens: Alicia
andens: DSC04097_edited2a
andens: DSC03845_edited-2a
andens: DSC03764_edited-2
andens: Alicia
andens: DSC04036aa_edited-2
andens: DSC03917_edited-2
andens: DSC03995_edited-11a
andens: Untitled-13
andens: Untitled-17
andens: Taking a break and listening to music in 1987 on a cassette tape recorder.
andens: IMG_0019a
andens: Untitled-1zax
andens: untoucheda
andens: IMG_0001a
andens: IMG_0003amend
andens: IMG_00024
andens: Just relaxing for a minute
andens: img014MOD
andens: DSC06070a
andens: DSC06060a_edited-2
andens: I wonder what's out there?
andens: Hmm, not talking again, kids of today!
andens: Polish visitors here to enjoy the speedway and the city. (Colour version)
andens: Polish visitors here to enjoy the speedway and the city.
andens: Antia
andens: Untitled-15wa (Old film)