arx7: Parthenon, Western Face 2
arx7: Areopagus
arx7: DSC_0074-1
arx7: Thission in Modern Day Athens
arx7: Stoa of Attalos II
arx7: At the Base of the Akropolis
arx7: Front Row Seats 3, Theater of Dionysus
arx7: Reliefs 3, Proscenium, Theater of Dionysus
arx7: Reliefs 4, Proscenium, Theater of Dionysus
arx7: Reliefs 5, Prosccenium, Theater of Dionysus
arx7: Athens in the Modern Day
arx7: Reflection in Motorcycle Side Mirror
arx7: Athens in the Modern Day 7
arx7: Hadrian's Arch in the Modern Day
arx7: Temple of Olympian Zeus 3
arx7: Statue in Courtyard
arx7: Kapnikarea Church
arx7: Tower of the Winds
arx7: Parthenon, Western Face
arx7: Thission Metro Station, Athens
arx7: Parthenon, Northern and Western Faces
arx7: Theater of Dionysus
arx7: Temple of Olympian Zeus and Hadrian's Arch as Seen From Akropolis
arx7: Parthenon, Eastern Face
arx7: Stone Fragments 2, Propylaea
arx7: Propylaea 2
arx7: Detail of Frieze 11, Parthenon
arx7: Detail of Frieze 12, Parthenon
arx7: Pedimental Sculpture, Parthenon
arx7: Centauromachy Metope 2, Parthenon