Joshi Anand: Magical Monsoon
Joshi Anand: Serene
Joshi Anand: A different beat
Joshi Anand: Tamhini
Joshi Anand: Satara
Joshi Anand: Dapoli
Joshi Anand: pick your mask
Joshi Anand: stormy
Joshi Anand: street artist
Joshi Anand: Barbeque Corn
Joshi Anand: curious
Joshi Anand: Balcony and ballons
Joshi Anand: ASJ_8142_f
Joshi Anand: ASJ_8131_f
Joshi Anand: ASJ_7810_BW
Joshi Anand: Playful
Joshi Anand: Cabin and the clouds
Joshi Anand: Moody Morning
Joshi Anand: majestic
Joshi Anand: Varandha Ghat
Joshi Anand: Pratapgad (Valour Fort)
Joshi Anand: play of light
Joshi Anand: crusher
Joshi Anand: lazy morning
Joshi Anand: Lion's Point Wide View
Joshi Anand: field of pearls