Anand Balaji: "Phantasm..."
Anand Balaji: "Phantasm (Lest we forget)..."
Anand Balaji: "Phantasm (reprise)..."
Anand Balaji: "Conversations with myself"
Anand Balaji: defiance...
Anand Balaji: "Anonymous"
Anand Balaji: "Estranged..."
Anand Balaji: Came back haunted...
Anand Balaji: Sentinel...
Anand Balaji: Perfect strangers...
Anand Balaji: Portal...
Anand Balaji: Copy of a copy...
Anand Balaji: Crede quod habes, et habes...
Anand Balaji: salvation of the damned...
Anand Balaji: tears in the rain...
Anand Balaji: tear stained eyes...
Anand Balaji: the sound of my breaking heart...
Anand Balaji: We don't go there anymore...
Anand Balaji: The patriot...
Anand Balaji: the machinist...
Anand Balaji: down on my knees...
Anand Balaji: signs of life...
Anand Balaji: amiga...
Anand Balaji: childhood's end...
Anand Balaji: the happiest days of our lives...
Anand Balaji: the fall of Eve...
Anand Balaji: The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by. - Alek Wek