willsfca: peter solders
willsfca: ariel likes to solder
willsfca: candy-like buttons
willsfca: the malasky sweatshop workers
willsfca: blinky
willsfca: master board before
willsfca: slave board upper side
willsfca: slave board underside
willsfca: cables cables cables
willsfca: master board after
willsfca: anything for a good high-angle shot
willsfca: mark and globes
willsfca: setting up
willsfca: "eat some sandwich!"
willsfca: stencil-manic
willsfca: "need heavy machinery"
willsfca: marked
willsfca: "is this the spot?"
willsfca: our neighbor
willsfca: first manic truck ride
willsfca: scale test
willsfca: hold it...
willsfca: tip of the shade
willsfca: manIC t-shirt model
willsfca: testing, 1, 2, 3... they still work!
willsfca: tedious wires
willsfca: lots and lots of cables
willsfca: day 3, cabling
willsfca: crooked no. 13
willsfca: "ok, everybody push the red button."