ana_lee_smith: austin clarke ..... 1934 - 2016 .... R.I.P
ana_lee_smith: gastown, vancouver .... candid street photography
ana_lee_smith: the face of habana vieja ... street candid
ana_lee_smith: yank tanks of yesteryear ..... havana, cuba
ana_lee_smith: still 'che' ......
ana_lee_smith: where the boys are .... pride toronto 2015
ana_lee_smith: the cry of the indigenous people is Canada's shame ........
ana_lee_smith: the face of habana vieja ... michel
ana_lee_smith: macau .... candid street photography
ana_lee_smith: macau .... candid street photography
ana_lee_smith: macau ..... candid street photography
ana_lee_smith: harry joy .... toronto photographer
ana_lee_smith: harry joy ... toronto photographer
ana_lee_smith: haiti's children .... where are they now?
ana_lee_smith: emily .... the face of china's youth
ana_lee_smith: the queen was in the parlour ... eating bread & honey
ana_lee_smith: the devil wants YOU!
ana_lee_smith: the colours of World Pride Toronto .....
ana_lee_smith: candid worldpride toronto ...
ana_lee_smith: world pride toronto ....
ana_lee_smith: candid youth & beauty at worldpride toronto's opening ceremonies ...
ana_lee_smith: summer in the city .....
ana_lee_smith: the face of tiananmen square .... 25 years later
ana_lee_smith: the face of tiananmen square ... 25 years later
ana_lee_smith: child of china .... chongqing
ana_lee_smith: chongqing dock ..... dad
ana_lee_smith: the face of hong kong .....
ana_lee_smith: asian youth in tiananmen square .... beijing
ana_lee_smith: child of china .....
ana_lee_smith: first out-of-the-gate .......