AnakinLee: Westminster Abbey
AnakinLee: Street in London
AnakinLee: Les Bouquinistes De La Seine 塞納河畔舊書攤
AnakinLee: Have a little adventure at night again, this time was in Paris. Feel so different between here and London, beautiful but cold.
AnakinLee: Sunset in Paris
AnakinLee: Postcard from Seoul
AnakinLee: Paradise on earth
AnakinLee: Paradise on earth
AnakinLee: Reunited
AnakinLee: 又回到最初的起點 #Taipei #memories
AnakinLee: Trying to slow down and enjoy
AnakinLee: By far the best football match watching experience of my life. Not sure where should I focus though...The monitor? Or the view? #Paris #euro2016