anaelisafoto: HipstamaticPhoto-624733065.726479
anaelisafoto: Thousands of San Franciscans gathered outside the Phillip Burton Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse, the day following a leaked draft of the United States Supreme Court's majority opinion to overturn Roe v. Wade; a fifty-year precedent guaranteeing wome
anaelisafoto: In direct reponse to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, thousands of San Franciscans gathered at Civic Center and throughout the city to vocalize opposition to the courts decision. Pictured is SF Board of Supervisor Dean Preston.
anaelisafoto: American Values Protects Children, is the message written on balloon during a "Families Belong Together" civic walk where over 2500 participated in downtown Santa Barbara, California.
anaelisafoto: Urban San Francisco Skyline, taken from the Embarcadero during the holidays.
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anaelisafoto: First day of the shelter-in-place order, on Tuesday, March 17, 2020,San Francisco, Ca.
anaelisafoto: The Blue Angels fly over Congregation Emanu-El and the Presidio of San Francisco in honor of Senator Dianne Feinstein.
anaelisafoto: scorched earth
anaelisafoto: We were once Palm Trees
anaelisafoto: Plume of smoke from the Thomas fire, sixty+ miles away. from the Fairview Overpass in Goleta, CA. #thomasfire #santabarbara #california
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anaelisafoto: Union Station, Los Angeles. The architecture of the train hub is a blend of Art Deco, Spanish, and Moorish influences.
anaelisafoto: Union Station, Los Angeles. The architecture of the train hub is a blend of Art Deco, Spanish, and Moorish influences.
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anaelisafoto: Gazing out the law library window
anaelisafoto: The Contemporary Jewish Museum
anaelisafoto: The First Wave of the Santa Barbara Triathlon early Saturday morning on August 27, 2016. Captured with Apple iPod Touch. Photocopyrightanaelisafuentes post-processed with HipstamaticPhoto
anaelisafoto: I looked up, while I running and this is the result. 19394911563_0dd8a8541f_o
anaelisafoto: Women's Day, Luxembourg. 33199200471_453459ec57_o
anaelisafoto: Women's Day, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. 374533_10151570318956584_1126224611_n
anaelisafoto: Winter Sun, Lilting Trees. From my series: View From My Train Window - somewhere in the California delta. IMG_8795
anaelisafoto: Taming man and beast with her song #music #Gitarron ¡Viva la Fiesta! El Desfile Historico #santabarbara #california
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anaelisafoto: Molecule Man
anaelisafoto: Dancing trees