anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: the parts
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: the chip
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: trial layout
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: first stage soldered
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: untidy workbench
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: the ATmega8 chip
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: initial test setup (2)
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: initial test setup (1)
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: ready for first test
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: one port connector wired up
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for LED array
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: resistors soldered
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: LED daughter board completed
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: LED daughterboard (rear)
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: LEDs plugged in
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: LEDs switched on
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for seven-segment LED
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: completed seven-segment LED
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: rear of seven-segment LED board
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for Atari joystick interface
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: completed Atari joystick interface
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: rear of joystick interface
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for stepper motor interface
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: completed stepper motor interface
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for HP alphanumeric LED display
anachrocomputer: AVR microcontroller board: parts for switch interface